General Questions
WebPay is the village’s new online payment system that allows the public to manage and make payments online in a secure and convenient manner.
Customers with questions regarding WebPay can call 847.895.4500 during regular business hours or via
email, or reach a Customer Service Representative 24 hours a day, seven days a week by dialing
311 when residents are within Schaumburg's village borders.
WebPay allows customers to pay invoices online such as water and alarm billing. Customers can also pay for business license renewals and apply for Metra parking permits, new contractor licenses and other permits. Building permit applications, however, are not offered online. The new payment system also allows residents to register for CPR classes online, too.
The complete list of services that can be paid online can be found on the home page of WebPay.
Attention Credit & Debit Card Users
For many years, the Village of Schaumburg has accepted credit and debit cards for payment of village services and has paid the cost of processing charges imposed by companies on those transactions. As the use has increased, these charges have become more expensive and totaled almost $220,000 in 2016.
The use of credit and debit card accounts provides a convenience to the customers who use them. The Village of Schaumburg has decided that it is now appropriate for those customers to assume the fees associated with this convenience.
Beginning October 1, 2017, the processing fees charged by credit and debit card companies will be passed through to customers. A 2.25% processing fee will be added to all credit and debit card payments with a minimum fee of $1 for each transaction. This fee will apply to all payments made for credit or debit card payments for accounts with Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. These fees are paid directly to the credit and debit card companies and are not collected by the village.
These fees will not apply to event tickets at the Al Larson Prairie Center for the Arts so that ticket sales can remain competitive with other venues. Additionally, the fees will not apply to daily parking payments in the commuter parking lot because the $1 minimum charge would almost double the daily parking fee.
The village continues to provide the following payment alternatives that do not incur additional processing fees:
- eChecks – a transfer from your bank account that can be processed online through the village website for a standard fixed fee of $0.50 per transaction, regardless of the check amount.
- Paper Checks can be mailed to the address on the invoice or deposited into various drop boxes.
- Auto-Draft (for water bill payments only) – is a convenient, monthly withdrawal from a bank account that automatically pays your water bill, so it’s never late. You continue receiving water bills so you can monitor water use and will always know exactly how much will be transferred.
- Cash and Check payments will continue to be accepted at all payment counters.
For questions about this change or any of the payment options available, please contact the Schaumburg Finance Department at (847) 895-4500 or dial 311 in the village.
WebPay usernames and passwords are optional. The system is invoice (bill) driven which requires customers to utilize the
Customer Number and Invoice Number located on their bills in order to make a payment. You are no longer required to create a username and password to make an online payment, but can do so optionally as a convenience. Once an WebPay account has been established and you have associated each bill type with your login, you will no longer have to enter your Customer and Invoice numbers on return visits to find the current bill.
Checking the status of your transactions is easy in WebPay. Once you have made a payment using WebPay, you will be sent an email confirmation containing a Transaction Reference Number (
as well as a direct link to that transaction). Using this number (
and email address used during checkout), users will be able to go to the Transaction Lookup page and view their transaction receipt at any time. This is important if you have started a WebPay process that may involve back and forth discussion with the Village before fulfilment of your payment is processed.
Transaction Lookup
Reference Number (Confirmation Receipt Page)
Reference Number (Confirmation Receipt Email)
Paying Bills and Invoices
The Customer Number and Invoice Number are located on the account portion of customers’ bills. This may be located in different sections depending on the type of bill you have received. Please review the sample invoices below to see where the Customer and Invoice numbers are located on your particular bill.
Water Bill Sample
Business License Sample
General Invoice Sample
If you do not have a bill, cannot find either of these numbers, or your numbers provided are unable to locate your electronic invoice, you can call 847.895.4500 during regular business hours or via
email, or reach a Customer Service Representative 24 hours a day, seven days a week by dialing 311 when residents are within Schaumburg's village borders.
On the WebPay home page, under the
"Pay" heading, you should see the Water Bill option. Clicking on that will take you to the Water Bill Inquiry screen.
Users can find a their bill by providing the
Customer Number and Invoice Number printed on the paper bill and/or included in the email notice of e-bill recipients.
Water Bill Sample (Paper)
Water Bill Sample (Email Bill)
If you do not have a bill or cannot find either of these numbers, you can call 847.895.4500 during regular business hours or via
email, or reach a Customer Service Representative 24 hours a day, seven days a week by dialing 311 when residents are within Schaumburg's village borders.
To view your water consumption history, open any water bill invoice (
outstanding or paid) and expand, if needed, the invoice to the details view. At the bottom left corner of that invoice, under the
Notes section, will be a link to
"View Water Consumption History".
The village can send customers their water bills through email, by mail, or by email AND mail. For those who choose to receive electronic water bills, the Customer and Invoice Number will already be populated into the form fields in WebPay once they access a link included in their electronic bill. Customers can choose to receive electronic bills, or electronic and paper bills, during the process of making a payment online.
Once an outstanding water bill is located, the second step of the wizard,
"Your Info" will contain an option to change your bill delivery method to be included with your payment.
Delivery Method
Customers can also sign up for electronic water bills by calling the Water Billing Department at (847) 923-4520.
If a customer sees multiple invoices, that is because there may be multiple invoices associated with their Customer Number under that payment category. There may be mulitple unpaid invoices listed, for example last month's unpaid water bill and this month's unpaid bill.
In addition, "like" services may also be grouped together under one category, for example "Invoice Payment - Miscellaneous" may contain mulitple types of invoices for different village services.
Customers can click on each invoice to expand / collapse the details of the invoice and edit the amount to be paid.
Amount may not be adjusted for some invoices.
If a you see multiple invoices broken down by
"Related Invoices" it may be because you own more than one property or are responsible for accounts at various locations that receive service from the village.
The invoices listed under
"My" are the responsibility of the Customer Number that you provided when locating the bill. The invoices listed under
"Related" are listed under a different Customer Number than provided, however your Customer Number is shown as the
"owner" of the service (invoice).
You may, or may not, be the responsible party for paying "Related" invoices depending on how this is handled by your Owner / Customer relationship.
If there are questions regarding invoice relationships, please call 847.895.4500 during regular business hours or via